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For those of you who weren't at the "after party" on the Tuesday after the wedding... this is what they showed on the big videoscreen at SBC Park...
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Time for a little updating today, the day that my Best Man is celebrating his 24th birthday under the Curaçao sun!
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Alright, so it's my turn again to keep you updated on our wedding plans. Actually, this update has to do with my family and friends coming to California this summer...
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 First of all, my apologies for not writing in Dutch. I'm assuming most of you will be able to read English, so I might as well do it in that language, so that Michelle's friends and family can read it as well.
Anyways, even though it's still (at least) 3 months before I leave, I'm already taking care of some moving stuff. Last week I put some of my cd's on Marktplaats.nl (sorta like eBay, but not :-)) and today I sold them.
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