Status Immigration Process: 50% done.
Date: Thursday, April 07 @ 05:22:00 PDT Topic: Mark's Immigration
So basically the entire process of my immigration can be devided into 6 steps. Today I've finished the 3rd step, meaning I'm halfway done... there's a lot more to do still...
The first 3 steps basically were all about sending a lot of forms and going to the Consulate. The final 3 steps are:
- Get an X-ray scan + a medical exam
- Turn in more forms at the US Consulate, with a little interview in Amsterdam
- Show my visa at the airport in San Francisco and receive a nice stamp in my passport, saying I can stay there and work :)
Today I've called to make appointments with the doctors. The X-ray and medical exam will take place in Amsterdam, on May 4th, 09:00 AM. Yes, this is the day AFTER my birthday, but the doctor assured me that there won't be any alcohol testing, so no problem. :-)
The week after that, on May 11th, I will have the "final interview" at the Consulate, after which they will hopefully send me the visa which should get me into the US permanently. This still has to be approved at the airport in SF though, but I'm sure that's just a formality.
So yeah, we're 3 weeks underway now... and hopefully everything will be settled in 5 weeks from now.
I will probably leave on Sunday May 22nd, but that's not 100% sure yet. Once I know the exact date, I'll write it here of course.