Update on the Travel Plans
Date: Tuesday, February 15 @ 16:14:38 PST Topic: Mark's weblog
Alright, so it's my turn again to keep you updated on our wedding plans. Actually, this update has to do with my family and friends coming to California this summer...
This past weekend we have talked about the summer plans of both my parents and my aunt José and uncle Hans. As it looks now, the five of them (including my grandma who will just go with the flow :-)) will set off for San Francisco on August 6th. My aunt Wilma might join them as well, but that's not certain yet at this point. They will travel around the west coast until August 18th... Their road trip in short: SF - Yosemite - Las Vegas - Grand Canyon - Sedona - Sequoia NP - Big Sur - SF.
Around the time they get back in SF (17/18th), my brother Jos and my friends are planning to arrive in San Francisco as well. That way they have some time to adjust before wearing their tuxedo's! ;-) (or should I say, some time to adjust their tuxedo's... people in California are somewhat smaller than the average Dutch guy... :-D).
The plans for AFTER the wedding aren't really set yet. Some might leave after seeing the Giants on Monday and/or Tuesday, some might leave the next weekend... and for those who want to stay even longer than that... well they're more than welcome to! :-)
So that's pretty much in short what some of the plans are. If you're planning to come as well, please let me now, so we can arrange something for you.
Oh and make sure to check out the Forum as well. I noticed Stefan posted something there about a cheap flight to San Francisco!
Talk to you all soon!
P.S. We will soon inform you on the hotel that we've picked to celebrate our wedding... so come back here often and check for news! :-)