Immigration COMPLETED!
Date: Thursday, May 26 @ 11:56:52 PDT Topic: Mark's Immigration
After more than 2 months of filling out forms and everything, finally I am here with my girl in San Francisco!
The final 1% was pretty easy... the officer at the airport looked at the stack of papers that I brought with me (the US consulate in Amsterdam had sent me that) and after some simple questions he put a nice little "ADMITTED" stamp in my passport!
From now on I will also keep a weblog in Dutch, on: www.MarkKater.nl/weblog.
Here on www.MarkandMeesh.com you will find all the latest Wedding news (no more Immigration News... WOOO!!!) and of course the
Forum/Prikbord for all your "slappe geouwehoer"! :-D
So make sure to check out BOTH websites from time to time...