Invitations are out!
Date: Friday, July 08 @ 18:55:24 PDT
Topic: Wedding news

Wow, it's been a while since posting some news on here... sorry about that. Lots has been happening though for our wedding preparations...

We've taken care of the flowers, the bridesmaids dresses are almost done, the tuxedos for the groomsmen are ordered, the videography is booked... next week we're doing the wedding cake tasting... and most importantly: the invitations have been dropped off at the post office today!! Yup, you can expect an envelope on your door mat sometime next week.

Just a small note for you Dutchies: Inside the invitations, you'll find a small card and envelope. This is what they call an "R.S.V.P. card", which stands for "Respondez, S'il Vous Plait"... the point of those card is to let us know whether or not you're attending our wedding. It would be nice if you'd send that small envelope back to us, though yeah, we pretty much know that you are coming already. :)

Other news: this Monday I will have my first job interview here! It's for a web design job and to be honest with you: I know NOTHING about the company what so ever yet, but hey... it's a start! :)

Oh yeah, make sure to check out the Forum/Prikbord as well... the groomsmen have already been introduced... and this weekend we will introduce the bridesmaids too!

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